We are delighted to say that following the relaxation of some restrictions by the Government, we are able to fully re-open the golf course with effect from Wednesday 13th May 2020, for Members only. However this comes with some specific rules, and guidance.
All rakes will be removed from the course. Please make every effort to smooth sand using a club or your feet.
Ball washers are not in use.
Please do not sit on benches either at the clubhouse or on the course.
Flagsitcks will remain, however they must not be touched. The holes will be adjusted so that a ball will not fall below the level of the green.
We recommend that you refrain from using both the practice nets and the practice ground, however if they are used you must bring your own golf balls, and the practice ground must not have more than 2 people using it, both must be from the same household (to avoid mixing players golf balls from different households).
Before the Round
Tee times will be released at 12 noon on Tuesday 12th May for play from Wednesday morning (13th) until Tuesday evening (19th). Further information will follow regarding the release of future dates.
In consideration of other members, we would wish that everyone has a fair chance to play golf in the first week, to this end we suggest that 6 and 7 day members and Introductory members do not play more than three times during the week, and 5 day members and Juniors, twice.
It has never been more important for everyone to book a tee time on BRS, so we are aware of who is on the course. Please do not commence play without a booking.
Tee times will be at 10 minute intervals, and for a maximum of 2 people, not necessarily from the same household. If you do not have a playing partner, you can either book your tee time and leave the other slot vacant for someone to join you, or block the slot using ‘guest’ if you are uncomfortable golfing with someone you don’t know.
The Clubhouse, locker rooms and toilet facilities will be closed. We are planning to open them as soon as we can, details to follow.
Please do not go to the first tee until 5 minutes before your tee time, and be aware of social distancing.
Priority to use the putting green should be given to the players in the next group due to tee off.
The Pro Shop will be open, and we ask that you adhere to Simon’s guidelines.
During the Round
At all times please keep 2 meters apart.
Do not pick up any stray golf balls.
In Conclusion
Social distancing is as important after the round as it is during the round, so when the round is over all golfers must leave the Club immediately so that there are no gatherings around the clubhouse area and balcony.
Signage is currently being put around the course advising the general public that we will return to a private golf club from this Wednesday, and we are also using social media to convey this message. Not all will have received this message when we commence golfing, so please be mindful of people still walking the course, and respectfully ask them to leave.