Articles – Bye Laws Memorandum Articles of Association Club Positions Terms of Reference Index 1. Rules of Play 2. Membership Categories 3. Clubhouse Regulations and Etiquette 4. Course Regulations and Etiquette 5. Use of Electric Trolleys and Ride on Buggies 6. Complaints 7. Sale of Intoxicating Liquor 8. Nominating and Electing Board Members (Article 9.4) 9. Nominating and Electing Sub Committee Members 10. Electing the Club President 11. Electing the Men’s Vice Captain/Captain 12. Electing the Lady’s Vice Captain/Captain 13. Development Association 14. Competition Terms and Conditions 15. Men’s Winter League (Ernest Gribbin Trophy) & Winter League Trophy. 16. Knock Out Competitions 17-18. Course Closure and Competition Suspension or Abandonment Procedure – Local Rules 19-21. Shotgun Starts – Support Provided to Club President, Ladies Captain, Men’s Captain and Junior Captain during their year of office. Appendix A Sections Constitutions